Delaney Radiology is updating their PACS system to InteleConnect. You will be able to access all images in one convenient location. Please fill out the below form for each person in your practice who will need access. This will be replacing the current portal.

Required Information:

  • User specific e-mail addresses
  • Mobile device authentication application  for Multi-factor Authentication (MFA)
  • One individual Practice Account Administrator (PAA) who will be responsible for all the practice users and verifying them on a quarterly basis


InteleConnect User Form

"*" indicates required fields

User 1*
Practice Account Administrator (PAA)*
Is this user the PAA?
User 2
Practice Account Administrator (PAA)
Is this user the PAA?
User 3
Practice Account Administrator (PAA)
Is this user the PAA?
User 4
Practice Account Administrator (PAA)
Is this user the PAA?
User 5
Practice Account Administrator (PAA)
Is this user the PAA?

To review security & privacy statements, please click here
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.